The production of relief can be roughly divided into the following aspects

Jinhua Jiupin Decoration Co., Ltd. customized the corporate standards of China’s gypsum line industry in 2002, and was invited to participate in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in October 2010 to formulate national industry standards for gypsum lines. Our company will briefly introduce you to the gypsum reliefs below. Related little knowledge.

The production of relief can be roughly divided into the following aspects:

Materials: clay, sludge, wood, glass, gypsum powder, clay knives. Scribing modeling: use wood or glass as the base, apply mud to sketch, treat the clay as paper, use a knife to make a rectangular stroke, and strive to have an accurate outline. Vivid.

Reversal molding: After the floating sculpture is completed, plaster can be poured. First, make a female mold with plaster (the ratio of plaster powder and water is 1:1), dry the female mold and apply soapy water on the surface to form an isolated mold. Pouring molding. When pouring the plaster, avoid sudden pours and pouring. You need to slowly pour from one corner until the plaster is completely filled, which can avoid bubbles and ensure the quality of the work.

Decorative relief is different from proportional compression relief. It adheres to the strict flatness of the relief surface. This is not only a need for visual appreciation, but also a requirement for practicality and architecture. This requirement has inspired the art of using time to shape the image of relief. It is necessary to maintain the relief. The flatness of the surface must also achieve the effect of three-dimensional image. The use of light and shadow on behalf of the art has become one of the special techniques and decorative techniques of decorative relief.

The creation and design of colored sculptures requires painting and comprehensive consideration. It is not a simple coloring of sculptures, but must show “color, shape and form”, commonly known as “three-part sculpture, seven-part painting”. In order to facilitate painting, the clay sculpture is boldly omitted In order to achieve the ups and downs of the shape, sometimes even the surface is polished and polished many times. The painting and drawing strengthen and enrich the vividness and expressiveness of the sculpture image. Some shape decorations and props can also be made of other materials. Such as crowns, Jewelry, swords, etc., can be made of wood, iron, feather, cloth. This collaborative method of using various materials to shape the image on sculptures is also a characteristic of decorative sculptures.

Post time: Aug-16-2021